The Book of Genesis
In the beginning….
From Creation to the first Hebrew family to the Land of Canaan, Genesis is the narrative the Jewish People tell themselves about where they come from, how they began, and why this one piece of land — the Land of Israel — is so important. We have to know the beginning before we can understand the rest of the story. Here are the myths and legends that form the core of the Jewish narrative: the formation of the Hebrew Bible (Torah), the first humans, the Flood, the founding mothers and fathers, where the name “Israel” comes from, and how the Jews ended up in Egypt. Enjoy!
Photograph: camels in the Negev Desert at dawn, not far from several scenes in the Book of Genesis.
Episode 1: Welcome to Jew Oughta Know!
Episode 2: The Jewish Calendar
Episode 3: Hebrews, Israelites, and Jews
Episode 4: Current Events: UNESCO
Episode 5: The Guy Who Found the Torah
Episode 7: The Beginning of All Things
Episode 8: Snakes! Nudity! Murder!
Episode 9: Friends in (Actually High) Places
Episode 10: The Couple From Ur
Episode 11: Sodom and Gomorrah
Episode 12: Current Events: Settlements and Amona
Episode 14: The Death of Sarah and Abraham
Episode 15: Isaac, the John Adams of Jewish History
Episode 17: Two Wives for the Price of Two